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Music in Witchcraft and the Occult: An Anthology.
Now available is a brand new book on the usage of music and musical instruments within the modes of occult ritual practices and witchcraft.
This can be the usage of music in ones own private environment of witchcraft rituals and/or the occult with its symbols and meanings and the invocations to tune in with the secretive and the hidden energies during live performances.
Presented in this book are a very wide variety of essays which focus in their own unique way on music and its place in witchcraft and the occult and vice/versa.
The articles are written by genuine practitioners of the Arte of Magick and who are active musicians with their bands and/or solo artists.
Articles are written by:
- Aaron Piccirillo author for Clavis Journal & Appalachia Journal
- Ilya Affectvs (of the band: Corona Barathri)
- Edgar Kerval (of the band: Emme Ya)
- Kakophonix (of the band HVILE I KAOS)
- Jack Grayle author of The Hekatæon, Ixaxaar.
- Jon Vermilion author of Asaya Ka Luxa & Zakael, Aeon Sophia Press.
- Keeley Swete and Jessica Rose
(both of the band She Scotia)
- Zemaemidjehuty author of The Book of Flesh and Feather, Theion Publishing.
- Ekki neinn (of the band NYIÞ)
- Abby Helasdottir (of the band Gydja)
- zenKOAL (of the band Brujentrophy)
Book specifications:
- 220 pages
- Black linen bound hardcover
- Black head/tail bands
- Black end-papers
- 148 mm x 210 mm book size
Limited edition of 200 copies. Comes with a CD.
Listen to the entire album via this link:
Music in Witchcraft and the Occult: An Anthology. CD tracks.
Table of Contents
- Esoterism and the Creative Process by Aaron Piccirillo
- Hvile I Kaos by Kakophonix
- The Divine Forethought as Two Powers by Zemaemidjehuty
- Gravesong by Jack Grayle
- Corona Barathri by Affectvs
- Baron Samhedi by Edgar Kerval
- Music as Ritual by Keeley Swete and Jessica Rose
- The Souls Expression Through the Universal Vibration of Sound by Jon Vermilion
- The Guerilla Occultism of NYIÞ by NYIÞ
- Notes are Cast on Corpses. Gydja and the Creation of Music for Hela by Abby Helasdottir
- Strange Spells Spontaneously Evolving Into Art: Avant Punk, Spoken Wyrd, Ritual Noise and Deathdream Electronics Unveiled by zenKOAL